Veterans Analytics Lab and Consulting
About Me
Excel Project Examples
R-Studio Examples
SAS - EM Examples
Tableau Data Visualization
Marvel Project 9-24
About the Business
Our 501(c)(3) Work
Business Plan
Here, I can visualize the pareto chart, making it easy to spot your 80/20 rule. Interactive scatter plots and Top N.
This was my midterm I have all kinds of charts, including dashboards, dynamic titles, and up to 10 different charts.
Just a basic demo of Python in Google Colab
Looking at Avg BMI Deviation by Race/Ethnicity and Gender given by Age
Here is a code for Google Colab and Python doing business analytics and visualization
Here are a few more interactive charts. A dashboard. Symbol map, filled map, Pareto Chart, Dual Line Chart, Dynamic Title and Story
Correlation of Clinic Patients' Body Mass Index (BMI) and Systolic Blood Pressure to predict not obese vs obese
Here we are looking at the Rate of Patient Falls (per 1,000 Patient Days) with and without injury by Type of Adult Care Unit for FY 2019